Press review Mar 24 – Mar 30
March 25th 2014, VOCEA TRANSILVANIEI Romania will submit the an application in order to organize the European Gymnastics Championship in 2017 read more…
March 25th 2014, VOCEA TRANSILVANIEI Romania will submit the an application in order to organize the European Gymnastics Championship in 2017 read more…
February 17th, ZIUA DE VEST The new stadium of Timisoara may be built through a public-private partnership read more… February 17th, STIRIAGRICOLE.RO Daniel Constantin announces a “massive rehabilitation “of the irrigation system read more…
January 27th 2014, ALBA24.RO Project at CJ Alba for labor market integration of 80 young people from four schools in the county. Counseling and practical activities financed from European funds read more… January 27th 2014,ZIUA DE VEST.RO Major repairs at Sala Capitol and the Summer Garden read more…
January 17th 2014, ADEVARUL.RO Bulgarian Prime Minister: The three bridges planned between Romania and Bulgaria cannot be built with European funding read more… January 16th 2014, CRONICA ROMANA Comarnic-Brasov highway will be completed in 2017 read more… January 15th 2014, TELEGRAF ONLINE Public-private partnership saves lives read more… January 15th 2014, MONITORUL …
January 12th 2014, FINANTISTII.RO Great works of the road infrastructure of the Capital should be made through public-private partnership read more… January 9th 2014, REALITATEA.NET President Basescu rejects the public-private partnership law read more… January 05th 2014, TELEGRAFONLINE.RO Seafronts of Mangalia rehabilitated read more…
December 30th 2014, STRADADEBUZAU.RO Buzau City Hall is on schedule for the biggest street asphalting program read more…
December 25th 2013, TELEGRAFONLINE.RO Bridge over the Danube at Ostrov read more… December 24th 2013, DAMBOVITANEWS.RO Valahia University establishes a new faculty and a new research center for sustainable farming read more…
December 18th 2013, GAZETANOUA.RO Slatina City hall takes into consideration changing the destination of “Progresul” Swimming Pool read more… December 17th 2013, MEDIAFAX.RO Public-private partnership law approved article by article by the plenum of Chamber of Deputies read more… December 17th 2013, TRANSILVANIA BUSINESS Public-private partnership at Arad Airport read more…
December 14th 2013, Informatia zilei de Maramures Inmates, helped to enter the labor market after release read more… December 14th 2013, Turda News Good signs for Viisoara in 2014 read more… December 13th 2013, Monitorul de Vrancea Italian-Romanian public-private partnership read more… December 10th 2013, GANDUL.INFO Public-private partnership with Chinese investors for …
December 4th 2013, AGERPRES.RO Danubian tourism, possibility of development through public-private partnership and European funds read more… December 3rd 2013, VIATA-LIBERA.RO PPP: Recovery Center in Micro 40, for children with autism read more… December 3rd 2013, Gazeta de Navodari The local authorities from Corbu have signed a public-private partnership for tourism read more… …
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