Press review Dec 30 – Jan 05
December 30th 2014, STRADADEBUZAU.RO Buzau City Hall is on schedule for the biggest street asphalting program read more…
December 30th 2014, STRADADEBUZAU.RO Buzau City Hall is on schedule for the biggest street asphalting program read more…
December 25th 2013, TELEGRAFONLINE.RO Bridge over the Danube at Ostrov read more… December 24th 2013, DAMBOVITANEWS.RO Valahia University establishes a new faculty and a new research center for sustainable farming read more…
December 18th 2013, GAZETANOUA.RO Slatina City hall takes into consideration changing the destination of “Progresul” Swimming Pool read more… December 17th 2013, MEDIAFAX.RO Public-private partnership law approved article by article by the plenum of Chamber of Deputies read more… December 17th 2013, TRANSILVANIA BUSINESS Public-private partnership at Arad Airport read more…
December 14th 2013, Informatia zilei de Maramures Inmates, helped to enter the labor market after release read more… December 14th 2013, Turda News Good signs for Viisoara in 2014 read more… December 13th 2013, Monitorul de Vrancea Italian-Romanian public-private partnership read more… December 10th 2013, GANDUL.INFO Public-private partnership with Chinese investors for …
November 29th 2013, B365.RO Oprescu: The construction of the suspended highway will start in March read more… November 28th 2013, MEDICA ACADEMICA Public-private partnerships for financing the treatment of hepatitis C read more… November 28th 2013, CURIERUL NATIONAL Public-private partnership with companies from Montenegro read more… November 26th 2013, CURSDEGUVERNARE.RO Romanian and …
November 24th 2013, ZIARUL HUNEDOREANULUI Hunedoara County Council is looking for a private partner for Saulesti Airport read more… November 23rd 2013, ZIARUL CEAHLAUL A public – private partnership for preventing theft and robbery read more… November 22nd 2013, OBSERVATOR DE CONSTANTA The new vision of EU: the public – private partnership read …
November 17th 2013, CAPITAL How does a project change the Cluj business map read more… November 14th 2013, SERVUS Next generation MRI for Hunedoara hospital read more… November 14th 2013, UNGHIUL Terminated Public-private partnership read more… November 14th 2013, EDU MANAGER Public-private partnership to create professional schools in Olt county read more… …
November 6th 2013, BUSINESS FORUM Baile Somoseni will be rehabilitated through a public-private partnership read more… November 5th 2013, REALITATEA.NET Romanian Senate passed the draft law on public-private partnership read more…
October 30th 2013, MEDIAFAX.RO City Hall wants a background study for the rehabilitation of ten buildings with seismic risk in the Old Town. What are the buildings concerned read more…
October 27th 2013, ZIUA DE VEST In the absence of a sports hall at School no. 19 of Mehala, it might be installed a balloon through a public-private partnership read more… October 26th 2013, REALITATEA.NET Homey conditions in prisons. That will solve the problem of overcrowded prisons read more…
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