Press review Nov 17 – Nov 23
November 22nd, 2014, ROMEDIC.RO Vaslui: Association of SMEs wants a better law on public-private partnership read more…
November 22nd, 2014, ROMEDIC.RO Vaslui: Association of SMEs wants a better law on public-private partnership read more…
November 8th, 2014, GAZETA-DE-VEST.RO Twenty-two ambulances ready for winter read more… November 5th, 2014, TELEGRAFONLINE.RO Important steps toward forming a regional oncology center read more…
October 9th, 2014, ZIUADEVEST.RO Regional Hospital of Timisoara might be built through a public-private partnership read more… October 7th, 2014, ROMANIA-ACTUALITATI.RO Reopening the coal mines of Salaj, “appropriate” read more… October 7th, 2014, GANDUL.INFO The Aqualand of Tineretului Park will be replaced by a park read more…
September 17th, 2014, AGRO-TV.RO Agricultural park after a French model, a partnership between farmers and Suceava County Council read more…
September 10th, 2014, OBIECTIV DE SUCEAVA 1,000 stray dogs will be lifted from the streets of Suceava by the end of the year read more…
September 5th, 2014, ADEVARUL.RO Court folders could be accesed online, by paying a fee. Computerization of the files, possibly through a public-private partnership read more…
August 5th, 2014, ROMANIATV.NET The Chinese want to build a new bridge across the Danube between Giurgiu and Ruse read more…
July 31st, 2014, RAMNIC.RO Italian investors interested in building a medical campus in Goranu read more…
July 23rd, 2014, ADEVARUL.RO How the only synthetic ice rink opened in the Capital looks like read more…
July 15th, 2014, RNEWS.RO Dan Sova starts consultations for the new Public-Private Partnership law read more…
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