Press review Sep 30 – Oct 6

October 5th 2013, EURACTIV

Head of does not support the hihway promised by Fenechiu. Neagu: the first public-private partnership to build a highway will be signed
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October 2nd 2013, EVZ

EU Funds 2014-2020: At stake a business worth of 500 million – the cadastre
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October 2nd 2013, SEMNELE TIMPULUI

Oncologists campaigning for a global fund to fight cancer
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October 1st 2013, ZIUA NEWS

Dan Sova met with German and Austrian investors
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September 30th 2013, EVENIMENTUL

Suceava police begin “Crime Prevention Week”
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Public procurement & PPP

We advise our clients on public procurement, utilities, concessions and PPP projects, in all phases of the tendering process and contract implementation.